Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Golf, Critters then into the Fog

Well today's post will be much lighter than yesterday's. After all how much can you talk about when you have spent 6 hours on "the links" especially when your golf score is interchangeable with your bowling score (which I am not good at either!).

My faithful and obedient companion and I played a round at he Avia Beach Resort.  Beach was a misnomer as we did not see the ocean all day, and combined we only hit 3 in the sand, so beach shoes were not required.  Dear reader if you want to know "who" won I conveniently left the card on the cart before adding up the back nine.  I took my faithful and obedient companion by 6 strokes on the front and did not lose a ball.  On the back, despite several bogeys and a par I lost three, all OB.  Meanwhile Barb got better and better and she won the last two holes fair and square  but OOPS no score was finalized,  She was upset at me to say the least!

Guys all I can say is unless you are secure in your manhood do not take up golf with your spouse.  My faithful and obedient companion loves those holes where after our tee shots she says these dreaded words....."your away dear"!  Seriously I enjoy a round on the links anytime especially when you have perfect weather.

We did catch some wildlife.  First try putting when you hear Seals barking on the beach (hidden).  The first few holes you laugh then you start thinking maybe we should turn them all into coats. My faithful and obedient companion also snapped a picture of some marmot that was laughing at my swing (literally he was chirping like a bird). We finished our round just as the afternoon fog rolled in.  Below are some random shots of our round.

Swing away Murray Rider

I'm always playing in a fog!

Laughing at Murray Rider

Hunting Birds

Watch Out Murray I'm Gunning For YOU!

After our round we headed out for some wine tasting at local wineries. That dear reader will need a blog of it's own.  More later as I will likely devote and entire blog or two on the glories of the vine.  Until tomorrow then


PS remember we will likely be unable to post pictures for a few days.  However I intend to post via blackberry so stay tuned!

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