Sunday, September 19, 2010

Visit(s) with relatives, and some observations on the Casino’s and Blackjack

Tonight’s blog will have only a few Pictures, a couple of “Aunt Dede” and “Cousin Tommy” my Faithful and Obedient Companions Aunt and cousin on her Mom’s (Maria’s) side of the family.  Dede and Tommy live in Las Vegas and we had a chance to meet them for lunch and swap some stories.  Aunt Dede and Tommy sends best wished to all the folks back in Pennsylvania!

Aunt Dede

Tommy, Aunt Dede, Barbara and Murray Rider

This evening we had dinner with my sister Ethel; and her wonderful husband Jay, they are her on a getaway celebration of their 29th wedding anniversary and hopefully did not mind us nudging into their evening out.  Congratulations guys! 

Happy 29th! Ethel and Jay!!
As all of our readers know My Faithful and Obedient Companion and I have spent several nights the last couple of weeks in lovely Mesquite Nevada, home of the Virgin River, Casablanca, and Eureka Casino’s.  That’s quite a few for a town of 20,000 people.  However, a couple of geographic and demographic realities are what likely supports these establishments.  First there are a lot of retiree’s (Sun City Mesquite is here) who like so many retiree’s find some comfort in supporting Casino’s by playing slot machines for hours on end.  Second it is close to the border of Utah and Arizona and seems to draw some crowds who do not want a “Vegas” experience.  What that does is combine to provide:

Cheaper limits (Mesquite had plentiful 2 and 5 dollar blackjack tables here in Vegas I have yet to see less than 10 dollars).

Enough “Non Seniors” to at least make me feel like I was not playing in an assisted living home

Now for some basic Blackjack Economics. 

                        Rule One-Bet consistently

Rule Two -Follow some basic rules on when to hit, when to stick, when to double down and when to split.

Rule Three- Take a set amount of money you are willing to consider a reasonable night’s expenditure for “entertainment”

Rule Four- The reason you are not mindlessly playing Slots is this is entertainment, nothing else, have some free drinks and pick a table with nice people who are having a good time.  Talk to them, talk to the dealer share stories!

Rule Five-Know that the casino looks so nice because people always lose-yes even you!  Do not let anyone kid you, NOBODY beats them over the long run. 

If you follow these rules, on average, you can play 5 dollar blackjack for between one and a half and 3 hours.  Of course sometimes I have been known to blow these rules (like if I suddenly feel a hot streak and double or triple mu wagers, or make the mistake of thinking 30 minutes was to “short”).  However, both my Faithful and Obedient Companion and I generally follow these rules and we do enjoy ourselves on the rare (on average once every 2-3 years) we hit a casino.  It has been interesting to me that the last two weeks we have played 6-9 years worth so far (4 nights).  I would add that Barbara has done better than yours truly so far, but that is because she sticks to the fundamentals much better than I do.  However I am sure tonight will be different!!!!!!!!!!!   Cause I feel a hot streak a comin!!!!!!!!!   Where’s my ATM card dear?????
Until I break the bank then, I bid you  


Post Script-  Had a great night on Blackjack Table  played 5 hands showing Ethel the rules- Lost 25 Dollars  My Faithful and Obedient Companion sat the night out.  She lost zero.


  1. First of all, Happy Anniversary Ethel and Jay! Can't believe it's been 29 years!
    Glad you had such a wonderful time visiting with relatives. And, thanks for all the gambling tricks!! Never know when they might come in handy. Great pictures especially the water nymphs.

  2. Thanks for the visit. How great it was to see you both. Wish Eric a hearty hello for me.
    Love, Ethel
