Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday is Movie Night or a day late and a dollar short

As I write this Jim and I are sitting on our small porch, enjoying a glass (UMMMM—plastic cup – sorry Jay!) of Sangiovese before heading to the 8:00 show of ‘Spiked Canyons’.   OOOOOOOO!  Of course the wine came out of our car since we are in Utah and there is no bar at the Lodge.  Although we are one hour closer to some of you in time – this will not be posted for a day or two due to lack of WIFI. 

When checking into the ‘last room available’ that Mrs. Murray Rider scored inside Bryce Canyon, we asked if there was WIFI.  My good friend Taylor said, ‘yes, tomorrow!’  So I guess we are really a day early and tomorrow night is not available.  I guess all the locals heard there would be WIFI and crowded up the park.

Don't know why I like this picture so much but I do - a Road in Zion N.P.

Today’s travels brought us through Zion, NP which we will get to another day for a longer stopover, the Red Canyon and finally to Bryce.  Can’t explain to you the drama of the landscape but know it is just …. Tongue tying!
Zion National Park
Checkerboard Square - Not related to Ronald Regan!  Natural hatch marks caused by glaciers.
Red Canyon
 Oh, the good news is that we spoke to Eric today – amazing that he called when we had cell service – and he will be getting in a few days earlier than expected.  Berni, thanks for keeping up to date on the blog but don’t worry, we will post lots of pictures as soon as that happens.   We will be at the ‘Armory’ to welcome him back with open arms – right behind his beautiful wife, Blair.  Please keep him in your prayers as he and his group travel stateside.  Traveling from a war zone can be so exigent (looked that one up on thethesaurus).

I just want to throw this one out to ya’ll.  How did we ever survive without cell phones, digital cameras, internet, A/C in cars (I remember driving across the desert in 1967 without it-OMG do you remember that Vern & Maria & Irene?), blogs and suitcases without wheels? 

Bryce Canyon National Park

See you in 7!

Mrs. Murray Rider

P.S.  The movie ended up being a dissertation on slot canyons and the candidates travel log – kind of like a boring blog!
P.S. #2 The stars are awesome here Clyde.  You get a 360 from the canyon edge -- at night -- in the dark – yes; I had vertigo even at night when just knowing the canyon was feet away!

 P.P.S.  I am sitting in an internet cafe on the west side of Zion.  Jim is across the street outside the laundromat smoking a cigar --- should I go help with the wash?????  No way baby!  Not until my frappacino is done!

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