Monday, September 20, 2010

Richard Nixon Library

Good Evening Readers,

My Faithful and Obedient Companion covered the important stuff,Eric's return which while delayed is still the reason we are here in California.  Here is a picture of Blair and her dog Baily at "brunch" today, you can see the concern and longing in her eyes to have Eric back home ASAP!  So are we!

Blair and her dog Bailey.

After lunch we decided to head out and spend some time sightseeing for a few days, staying within striking distance to San Diego.  We went to the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda California.  First a shot of yours truly with Churchill and De Gaulle (Leaders are shown actual size!)
Yes Winston nothing like a good Cuban huh!

Then a shot with Chou En-lai and Nixon on the historic opening to China (remember it started with Ping-Pong!)

Just think in 30 years we will make all your TV's and I Pads!  

Both my Faithful and Obedient Companion and I thought this Library was the best of all the ones we have seen,  Great content and the docents walked us on a personal tour of many areas!.  I loved this letter written by an elementary school student after one of the famous 1960 debates between Nixon and Kennedy!  Note the caption I added, very relevant to today (Politics NEVER changes and today is no different)!  Barbara was amazed that these letters (there were many displayed) were saved.

No doubt a young Tea Partier!
The picture below brought a tear to my eye.  It is an American Flag secretly woven by a POW in Hanoi from bits of fabric from hankies, shirts and other bits of stuff.  Hidden from the North Vietnamese Guards for years.  The POW's would hold clandestine Pledges of allegiance etc and this flag inspired during years of captivity (and through Jane Fonda rants). It was smuggled out between two hankies when their release was negotiated. Its' existence was first revealed at the White House Dinner Nixon hosted for all of them when they returned!  Shows the courage of our great Military!

Humbling display of patriotism!
Here is a final shot of Murray Rider as he boards Marine One, just like Nixon when he resigned in disgrace for the Watergate fiasco.  It is amazing that a man as brilliant as Nixon, a great visionary and a true leader internationally, could like all of us lose sight of their moral compass.  I cannot help but be saddened by the whole thing.  I believe that we are all so human, and every one of us makes a "bad choice" now and then.  In Nixon's case made worse by failing to fess up.  All of his great achievements are overshadowed by this event.        
History may be kinder to Nixon in years to come, in the meantime My Faithful and Obedient Companion and I will journey on!

Until Tomorrow

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