Friday, September 10, 2010

The Eastern Sierra-Mammoth Lakes California and "The Devil you say"

My Faithful and Obedient Companion and I are finishing up THREE wonderful days in Mammoth Lakes California,  Our stay here at the Westin Hotel (next to the Eagle Lift at Mammoth Ski Resort) hit at just the right time.  Summer crowds have left and winter is a couple months away (we did have SNOW our first night coating cars and the upper mountain in white!) so rates were not unlike the Bates Motel-with 4 star service to boot!

I was not aware that the "Devils Post Pile" National Monument (Frankly I had never heard of it), was located here in High Sierra Country. Yesterday we hiked to the Devils Post Pile (about a mile from car) and "nearby" (2 additional miles of hiking each way) Rainbow Falls.  All in all we tracked through about 6 miles at 9,000 feet "breathtaking" is not the word!  We did OK going "into thin air" but a few pounds less around my middle would have been nice!

First the "Post Pile"

Devils Post Pile Straight on

Devils Post Pile Curved Part
By the way readers we walked on the top of this cliff and the Post Piles, formed from volcanic activity then scraped flat on top by glaciers, looks like a fine Granite Tile floor!  Want to learn more check it out at National Parks Devil's .  See we are full of educational material here!

Next shots from the High Sierra Hike:

Mammoth Summit Fresh Snow!

High Sierra "Rainbow Fire" was in 1992

High Sierra Hiking

Then there was Rainbow Falls

Incidentally Reader these were all taken with Blackberry I will post better shots of Falls tomorrow as My Faithful and Obedient Companion has yet to download our camera.  I agreed it can wait as I left it in the car and we are now in our "PJ's".  Yes I know the thought of yours truly in PJ's might be "TMI"!

After hiking we spent some time in pool and hot tub here at the Westin.  All in all yesterday was a nice combination of invigorating hikes and relaxing by the pool (incidentally when we arrived late Wednesday we hit the Hot Tub it proceeded to sleet while we soaked-quite a surprise!).

Today we took a ride up to Mammoth Lakes here are a couple of Shots:
Faithful and Obedient Companion near Sierra Lake!

Lake George

After this jaunt we hit the links today.  Yes My Faithful and Obedient Companion was at her best today on the front nine and took me by 2 strokes I did salvage some of my manhood on the back by taking her by 5.  Must have been the altitude!  It was beautiful and regardless of how many balls we lost (many in woods, streams and over ravines!)  we had an absolute blast!

Tomorrow we are off again destination well check back later!  Until then 


1 comment:

  1. You sure have been getting exercise! I'm sorry, but I'm not thrilled to see the snow!
