Friday, September 3, 2010

If i was doin any better I'd be yodeling!

Today's post title was given to me yesterday morning actually, back in San Luis Obispo. While getting coffee at a convenience store I said "Hi how you doing this morning". His response made "any better I would be yodeling "just made me smile. It came out of nowhere and it was not like we were in the mountains or anything. It was such a great greeting I promised to tuck it away and will use it from time to time.
My faithful and obedient companion agreed it was a keeper when I returned with her French Vanilla.

Today was beautiful. No the fog did not leave us. In fact in our drive to Julie Pfiffer State Park I commented that it looked as if the fog lifted, only to have faithful and obedient companion says "in your dreams". As we turned down the coast there was the fog bank hovering along the shoreline.


Undeterred we arrived at aforementioned park and hiked to a lovely overlook where you could observe a 60 foot waterfall drop from a cliff to the sandy beach below. It was magnificent. Yes the fog impacted our pictures slightly but I think we can post a good one when we get back to civilization.

We also stopped off at a place along the trail that had an exhibit of Pelton wheel. Todays education piece. A pelton wheel was a means of harnessing energy from falling water. Kind of like a cross between a water wheel and a turbine. The local ranch (donated in the 1960's) to California for the state park) used it to generate electricity. I hope our followers find thhis interesting!

After exploring the "Canyon" areas it was off to Pfiffer beach. Here we were stopped from entering by a 60's era hippie who was our age. He (we assume worked for the US Forest service as he claimed when he told us it cost 5 bucks to enter). Since he stood in a little booth at the entrance we agreed to fork it over in return for what appeared to be a used adnit one movie ticket. He may have been a local marijuana grower from his action, his dress and his appearance. The fact that he bantered with us about having moved there from St Albans Vermont did little to change our initial impression. In fact on second thought it likely confirmed it! Hoodwinked or not the beach was gorgeous. Nestled at the base of cliffs with waves crashing on rocks it was worth the 5 bucks- even if it did not go directly towards reducing the deficit! My faithful and obedient companion got some great pictures which we will. Post later.

All in all a nice day finished off with a trip to the laundrymat and a sushi dinner in Monterey.

We are now in our cabin with a fire going to ease the nights chill. Tomorrow we head to Sausalito to spend a night with an old friend from AIG Steve Gallacher and his wife Helen. Until then Murray Rider says


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