Sunday, September 26, 2010

From Sea to Shining Sea or East Coast Versus West Coast Seashore's

OK readers if today's post looks different, and has more errors than usual blame it on 2 things. First it is almost 3 am and I am doing this post cause I could not sleep. Second I am using my Ipad which uses HTML script (wake up reader). Anyway in my sleeplessness I came up with today's posting theme.

Readers this will be an interactive post. I seem to have put you all asleep with my OB commentary. It inspired no comments, either via posted comments or emails. So I am hoping, like a seventh inning stretch to get you all off the couch and responding to my scoring and analysis of today's CONTEST! Simply put Murray Rider(just Murray Rider Faithful and Obedient Companion rolled over and mumbled when I told her I was getting up to "blog", may have been an expletive thrown in as I left the room), is going to weigh in on one of the biggest issues of all time- which is better West Coast or East Coast for that "sea shore " experience. Now I know most of you will have an opinion here. We have some good representation for both coasts, Susan and Dan, Ethel and Jay, Alexa, Steve and Helen have lot's of West Coast and some East Coast history. My college friends Les and Joan, Joel and Norma, Phil and Joan all own East Coast shore houses. Maria and Vern spend a lot of time in Brigantine (ok mat be not). Marla and Bob have Ocean City Maryland experiences galore.

Despite my history of hating the "beach" I believe I can quantify the debate by breaking it down into specific attributes and weighing in on which coast is better. In the end may the best coast win. Oh by the way "west coast is Northern Washington to Right here in San Diego, east coast is Maine to......Texas! No Hawaii, no Puerto Rico, and Alaska is out...who goes to the beach there anyway!

Here we go:

Length of coastline- Just go Maine to Florida and East Coast wins

Sunrises-Dah East Coast rules

Sunsets-Dah West Coast Rules oops there's that damn Florida again, Sarasota, Naples, etc. I will leave it advantage West Coast but it does not win hands down!

Sandy beaches to lay around on- Come on East Coast rocks he!

Speaking of Rocks, how about Grandeur and ruggedness of coast-Oregon,Washington and Big Sur are incomparable, even with fog! Sorry Maine I love ya but no comparison.

Food-Oh come on, New England Claim chowder, LOBSTER, clams etc. Boardwalk Fries, Coney Island HotDogs, Salt Water Taffy. Out West here we have what- Sushi? Heck as much as I love it it's from Japan. East Coast is hands down here.

Music-Sorry East Coast, Under The Boardwalk is a classic, On The Way To Cape May not so much. The West Coast had the Beach Boys, Jan and Dean etc. Not even close here West Coast Rules.

Swimming and playing in the waves-OK anyone notice on the West Coast the only people in the water are wearing rubber suits. East Coast rules.

Surfing-Do I need to ask? The East Coast Doesn't exist, despite what a few nut cases that try in Hurricanes and stuff.

Speaking of Hurricanes and disasters East Coast has that dubious negative vote, as despite Tsunami warnings and rouge wave, the East Coast evacuates all the time, just think Katrina and enough said.

Ok readers did I miss any categories? You West Coast Fans better weigh in because it appears the East Coast has won in my analysis. You all are invited to add your thoughts! For me sleep is finally beckoning. I will finish by saying each coast has a beauty all it's own and I for one will be nodding off to thoughts of a bowel of New England Chowder, watching whales off the Oregon Coast, listening to the Let's Go Surfin Now, with my butt and toes in the sand on a South Carolina Beach, watching a sunrise or sunset somewhere in this great land of ours!

Until Monday


PS I have proofed this and see several errors unfortunately posting in
HTML makes it impossible to fix without starting over. Reader is a word confuses you ....figure it out!
Murray says good night


  1. Of course I would have to say East Coast, but I've never been to the West Coast beaches, so I may be missing out! But, we've been to OC MD plenty of times and this year to Outer Banks, NC, and it was fabulous! Nice sand, shells, and pure relaxation. I know this doesn't count, but the ultimate coast is the coast of Aruba! Just gorgeous and I can't wait to get back there!

  2. Oh, Jim, a "bowel" of clam chowder--that was a real chuckle to me!! I am partial, of course, to the East Coast. However, I haven't seen much of the West Coast....just San Francisco. Hope to enjoy the rest of it someday.

  3. Are you kidding me???I have lived through the closing down of the beaches on the East coast because of Toxic and Medical waste!!!! To use your method of writing ...we'er talking needles on the beach stuff. Ocean City New Jersey is pumping sand onto it's beaches. Does that seem natural to you. True we have our "mud" slides along the California coast, but as for comparing a win/loss column both have their beauty, both have their "cultures" . In my opinion any home on a beach is a plus. I just love the sound of the ocean. The pull of the tides. Not to sound politically correct here, but I'll take either coast. But heck, I'm a beach lover. Ethel

  4. Hey Ethel, Eric was giving me crap as well. One of the advantages of blogging ia setting your own standards! I am happy you weighed in pro West Coast, I agree comparisons are crazy. However remember I also left out great places to meet great husbands! Where did you meet Jay again???? score one for East Coast there huh?

  5. Oh by the way forgot to mention, today is first anniversary Blair and Eric! Happy anniversary guys!

  6. Happy Anniversary Eric and Blair.I am so glad you were home in time to celebrate this. Uncle Jay and I met in the Bongo Room in Avalon, New Jersey which is "Cooler by a Mile". (Which for those of you who don't know means a mile further out to sea). BUT, he and I are certainly not provicial about the area being the best. We like beaches anywhere we can find them. May you have many more years on any beach ...xo Aunt Ethel

  7. Happy (#1) Anniversary Eric and Blair. So glad you're together to celebrate. Just a year ago; what a fun wedding. That was a beautiful beach on Isle of Palms. I'll have to go with the East Coast (New Jersey shore......I just love that we've got beaches so close).

  8. East versus west. Come on.... Wine, dry powder, fresh organic produce, grass fed beef, sunshine, wide open spaces. West coast all they way.
