Thursday, September 23, 2010

Eric is back in the USA!

Hot of the press.  I will let Pictures be my blog.
Until later 


Remember That Sign you all hand printed!

Murray and Blair anxiously waiting
So was Faithful and Obedient Companion!
Here they come!

 Gee Seven Months apart what are we supposed to do again?

Oh yea that's more like it!


  1. YAY! So glad Eric made it back to the USA safely! Enjoy your time with him and give them both a big hug from us!

  2. HIP! HIP! HOORAY! Eric looks great! And, so do all of you! What a wonderful day! WELCOME HOME, ERIC!! We have all missed you!

  3. WELCOME HOME, Eric. So glad you're home safe and sound. We're all happy.

  4. Thank God!!! Your post was placed at 4:54 a.m. so I am thrilled that 15 hours later I get to see the outcome. Our hearts have skipped a beat dear Eric. We love seeing you home in the embrace of your wife (and parents). We will catch up when you catch your breath and have time to repatriate.. Know that we love you.. xoxoEthel

  5. Glad to see Eric came home to loving faces. He said that it meant a lot to him. Have fun out there with them the next few days!!

  6. Thanks James it was good to see him home in the USA
