Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Alfred Hitchcock wrote our script:

I am writing tonight from a lovely hotel room in Mammoth Lakes, California.  More on our visit here in a later post.  First I want to cover yesterday’s adventures with my Faithful and Obedient Companion, and the title of today’s blog.

I must also warn you reader that tonight’s pictures could be quite disturbing.  You see I have made a unilateral decision to post very graphic pictures taken by my Faithful and Obedient Companion and I have refused to “doctor” them in any way.  You will see that she lives in a literal parallel universe quite unlike any other, something out of a Hitchcock movie (thing Vertigo?) Since we ended yesterday in a scene from Psycho, I feel compelled to share with you Barbara’s troubling affliction.  I have lived with it quietly for years but tonight I could take it no longer. Yes reader ….Barbara actually sees an entirely different Universe from you and I.  Just look at the pictures she takes:

Now for some details about yesterday.  It started beautifully.  First a visit to Giant Sequoia’s at Mariposa Grove:

California Tree 1

We then drove up to Granite Point which overlooks Yosemite Valley 3,000 feet straight up! Just look at the views:

Half Dome from Granite Point

Nevada Falls from Granite Point

We them drove down into the valley and hiked up to Vernal Falls.  We actually were a little disappointed as the Falls were hardly flowing and we could not get very close.  The picture turned out well via telephoto.

Now here’s one for you, we spent several hours getting to a place where we could see Yosemite Falls.  Talk about Alfred Hitchcock mysteries where are “The Falls” (answer below)?

Answer (we learned later) they always dry up “this time of year”.  Sounds more like a Hitchcock movie about Ansel Adams delusions-never mind my faithful and obedient companion's.

As we left Yosemite Valley for the last time, My Faithful and Obedient Companion captured this wonderful shot of sunset on Half Dome as we drove by:

We finished with a long ride to our lodging at “Yosemite Riverside Inn” .  We arrived in the dark to an eerily lit run down Motel in the middle of NOWHERE!  Being the brave man I am I volunteered to stay in the car and watch our things while Faithful and Obedient Companion walked to the door and “rang the bell” .  A very strange man came to the door and checked her in.  It took us 15 minutes to figure out where our room was AFTER I went back to ask him again exactly where room 14 was.  He grinned and pointed to the far end of the “complex” and said “the one there with the light on….at the very end”.  After getting into our room I had to go outside about 80 yards to get Wi-Fi in the dark for last night’s blog.  Meanwhile I suggested that Faithful and Obedient Companion shower while I left to blog.  She said “I don’t think so” .  Except for a very large ant crawling onto Barbara as we turned the lights out the rest of the night was uneventful.  However in the morning we had “breakfast” at the office and as we checked out we could hear an elderly women coughing and cackling in the room behind us as we left!  Needless to say tonight we splurged for a room at a Westin Resort!

Next Blog Maria Wine-tasting memories!

1 comment:

  1. Was the coughing woman in the back room named Mrs. Bates? Fun times,,,,ants and all. xo E
