Friday, September 10, 2010

New Look to Blog

Dear Readers I have revised the feel and navigation to the blog.  Also cleaned up my blackberry post of 9/2 so if you could not read take another look.  Also new reader poll at BOTTOM of blog!. 

Note only last 2 posts will display in full.  At bottom is a summary of recent posts that you can click on to read in full.  You can do the same from archives at left.  Enjoy reader comments at top as well.  

Let me know if you like or not!

Murray Rider 


  1. That lady chatting away on the phone is just checking up on Blair. You know, we had to make use of phones while we were on the top of mountains since valleys created a gigantic dead zone.
    Love the new blog set up and the ability to see comments of other 'tag-a-long' followers. We are happy you are out there --- isn't that a Moody Blues song??

  2. Oh yes, much easier to read now! Thanks for thinking of us readers!

  3. I agree--much better! You're doing great!
