Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday in Sausalito

Before we get to our Sunday, let me digress and add a few pictures.

Honestly, have you ever seen a cuter Elephant Seal?  There were 50-100 of them on the beach.  The age designates when they will molt and this giant (Males can weigh up to 5000 pounds) was snoozing during his molt.  

I came across this sleeping man near Morro Rock.  It is always surprising how many homeless there are in California.  As  the sign Matthew has 'Please don't feed our bums!'  This one followed me to the car and I guess I'll keep him.

Morro Rock

A long billed bird

A giant redwood at Big Sur - we will continue to take pictures  of these massive trees and try to show your the depth and breath.  OOPS - I hope that doesn't give away a future destination.

Julia Pfiieffer Beach

Alright you smart people out there.  What kind of foot print do you think this may be?  I said a very large dog but Murray Rider heartily disagreed with me.  Do we have any mammal - ologists out there?

Our great hosts are making us breakfast now and then we'll be off to the Sausalito Art Festival.  Will post later.  

Lover from Mrs. Murray Rider


  1. Wow! What beautiful pictures! Jim, I'm glad Barb didn't leave you there in the log!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. By the way, animal lover that I am, I don't recognize the footprints.
