Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Taste of Yosemite, or Ahwahnee- “Place of a Gaping Mouth”

Alcatraz our Breakfast view 
Breakfast Salsulito

Sorry Readers, another technological delay in posting, this one was due again to our lodging.  Not only did our Hotel, The Wawona lack any network, it has absolutely no cell phone service and no phones or TV’s in our rooms.  The good news is I bagged the room on the way to Yosemite, and even better news it has it’s own bathroom!  Of course that was a no brainer.  While Faithful and Obedient Companion was driving I was on the phone to Yosemite Central reservations, there first offer a tent with a wooden floor was quickly nixed as soon as I said it out loud.  The next option (and only other), but more expensive by far, was the “Historic” Wowona Hotel.  Their available options were a room with a common bathhouse, or a queen bed with its’ very own bathroom (for even more cash).  Undeterred by common sense I asked Faithful and Obedient companion which she would prefer.  Boy you would think after 35 years of marriage I could make that choice without even asking!  Well either way they had but one night available so not sure what tonight may bring.

Let me backtrack for a minute.  We left Sausolito and Steve and Helen after a wonderful breakfast overlooking Alcatraz Island and The San Francisco Skyline across a foggy San Francisco Bay.  It was a very nice couple of days.  We headed out for our first destination-downtown Walnut Creek California. Not to sightsee but to get the old Blackberry fixed, or replaced.  I had scouted out AT&T repair facilities, checked to see if they were open Labor Day and everything, all by myself!  Of course a small portion of our breakfast conversation ended up being Steve and Faithful Obedient Companion giving yours truly and earful of advice on “what to say” about why the blackberry wasn’t working.  It seems they both fear my normal tendency of blurting out things like “This got wet in an ice bucket”, and that that might void the warranty.  While I assured them that the warranty probably covered that type of damage I did promise that I would give minimal information BUT NOT LIE!  So when the very nice man at the facility asked me what the problem was I simply stated it stopped working.  He said give us a few minutes to check it out.  About 10 minutes later he came back and said “Mr. Roberts we are replacing your Blackberry and in the process of transferring your data” he then added that there was some evidence of moisture damage on the battery.  I said “Oh” fulfilling all obligations.  The good news Blackberry replaced no hassle no charge.  Strike one plus for AT&T.

After our repair detour it was off to Yosemite.  From here Barbara took over driving and it was a good thing.  The road to Yosemite approaching from the west has a stretch of extremely graded switchbacks as you climb into the Sierra Nevada range.  Faithful and Obedient Companion does not like to ride shotgun in these stretches, not for fear of cliffs etc., but due to the constant turns.  She gets a tad carsick and by driving it helps her control that unsettled feeling.  I am always happy to oblige, after 17 years of driving 120 miles per day commuting she can drive as much and as long as she likes!  She even drives the golf carts!

We entered Yosemite from the west and for the first 20 minutes I was thinking, ”This is it?” until we rounded a curve and actually saw Half Dome in the distance.  One word “Unbelievable”.  We stopped for some pictures, unfortunately it was a little hazy but I hope this gives you some sense of the beauty.  As we traveled down into the valley we stopped to take a few shots of Bridalveil Falls and  El Capitan.  Let me assure you reader we are spending at least the day here (maybe more if we find a place to stay) so more pictures will follow. 

Until next time


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Bridalveil Falls Yosemite
Our First View of Half Dome in a Haze Better Pic tomorrow!

El Capitan Yosemite

Approaching Yosemite Valley


  1. Awesome pictures! God Bless America!

  2. I just can't wait until Sunday to say: WOW! America the Beautiful. Yosemite has been incredible (except for the lodging opportunities). Those stories can wait for Murray! I think we have taken 75 pictures every day but of course we can't show them all. Do you remember the days when we had to wait for developing and each picture cost money? The feedback on your photography skills sometimes waited for weeks. Technology is an amazing thing. Hope you blog watchers are all doing well. Until Sunday - Bye!

  3. I am so sorry about your lodging difficulties. Jay and I were in Yosemite in 2002 and stayed at the Ahwahnee. I remember it as being one of the hotels we would go back to all by ourselves (we had the kids with us) if you get my drift. It is an incredible place to be. Thinking of you and know you are being filled with the majesty of our land. xo Ethel

  4. Ethel we would have loved the Ahwahnee no rooms ...for a month. Speaking of lodging difficulties check out my newest post!
    Love Jim
