Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Grand Canyon Chapter 2 the South Rim this time

Murray I'm Free Fallin
OK readers,  I will make this brief.  I spent 2 hours last night on a slow connection here on the Navajo reservation where we are staying (a Quality Inn).  My text did not publish nor half my captions.  Pictures took forever to load.

I will not start over (as much as I love ya all).  Faithful and Obedient Companion and I are heading out soon.  We have plotted our plans for returning home, more on that later but likely 5 or 6 more posts to come so check back later!


Faithful and Obedient Companion continues her fascination with "dead trees"

A Grand View!


  1. Great pictures! I like the dead tree as well!

  2. Well Marie I must tell All this story. Barb stopped to take the pic of the tree and a women stopped behind us to do the same. She said to her husband.....only women would think to do this. Birds of a feather...

  3. And Steve i was waiting 4 u to vote on the coastal debate. So far about a tie East vests West! My Oregon Sis and my friend Phil weighed in via personal email. Each voted for their side!

  4. Yo Murray, it's MARIA ---I can hear my mother yelling at you from here! Anyway -- there are lots of dead tree pictures for those of you who may be interested. Maybe when we get home we'll do a 'here are the trees' or 'here are the canyons' or 'mountain' or rivers or flowers or..... Stay tuned folks, it ain't over yet!

  5. You've seen more of AZ than I have and I have lived there 15 years!
