Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chuckwalla's, Pupfish and Ronald Reagan?????

Readers the title of today's post has a reptile (Chuckwalla), a fish, and a former US President as our lead in and "Teaser".  What's this?  Another darn Presidential Library discussion, probably about how Reagan either saved or killed the little beasts?

Don't sweat it.   Although the three could be connected by sweat as in HOT places.  Well I suppose I should not leave you in the dark.  We visited Death Valley National Park today.  The Chuckwalla is a desert reptile that runs around the valley, the Pupfish is a tiny fish that lives in the little "Oasis'" that are scattered around they desert (remnants of a time after the last Ice Age when Death Valley was very wet and filled with lakes).  While with Ronald Reagan.....just think back to his acting career when he hosted "Death Valley Days" sponsored by 20 Mule Team Borax.  By the way Borax Mining was big at one time and there is a 20 Mule Team Canyon in Death Valley National Park,  Tuck that away for some Jeopardy "Final Question", it may win big time.

Anyway here are a few candid shots of the both the incredible desolate beauty we saw in the Desert' and some more candid shots as well.  All but one were taken by my Faithful and Obedient Companion.  Let's see who can identify it first!

And it was a furnace!  104 plus!

Lowest Populated Census Place In US 190 BELOW Sea Level1

Desolate Peak
Where are the Mules?

Getting Ready to tee off at first hole "Devils Golf Course" Death Valley NP  Elevation -250

Artist Drive DV National Park

Well we hope you enjoyed sharing our visit, but I do have a last item or two to be exact. Here are two follow-up shots from my Faithful and Obedient Companion's Camera I promised you in last nights blog.  I wanted to just post a picture of "Rainbow Falls" as a refreshing finish to the Desert Landscapes.  However, Barbara insisted I include one of her favorites...a burnt tree?????  Well as mentioned before sometimes she lives in a different universe than the rest of us.  It's probably kept our marriage intact!

Remember tomorrow is my day off, Mrs Murray Rider will be posting so until Monday 


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