Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"ABC" or Another Beautiful Canyon

My Faithful and Obedient Companion has, for several years, wanted to visit a certain place in Northeast Arizona.  It is on a Navajo Reservation but is also a US National Monument (since 1931).  The land is considered a huge part of Navajo heritage and was once the land of the Anasazi (Ancient Pueblo Peoples).  It is unique in that it is the only National Monument administered jointly by the US Park Service and the Navajo Nation, whose people still inhabit the canyon.  It’s name Canyon De Chelly.  

 At one time several years ago Barbara had heard of the beauty of this place and we planned a visit that just never happened. Those of you who remember that I was an Anthropology Major would no doubt think this visit was my idea, but it was not.  I did enthusiastically embraced it when it looked like it would fall into our general route home.  Neither of us were disappointed, in fact we enjoyed our day thoroughly.  This despite the fact that for the first time this trip we never saw the Canyon from the top (we will be sure to do so tomorrow before we leave).  Instead we signed on to a Navajo run (the only way you are allowed in the lower Canyon is with a Navajo Guide-in this case Dave) Pick-up truck (Bed was Modified with seats for like 14 of us) tour.  We took the ½ day version.

First let me say that if you are in the market for a pick up buy a Dodge Ram.  There were no real roads in the Canyon just ruts, and the truck was rugged to say the least. The 160 Navajo families who have “summer camps” (small farms really) all use 4 wheelers.  The canyon by now is pretty empty of  these Navajo (except a few spots where our truck stopped and vendors were selling Navajo jewelry etc.).  Our guide Dave said he spent summers in the Canyon for the last 60 years.  This is considered sacred ground by the Navajo who have lived here (along with some Hopi who would wonder in from time to time) for about 800 Years.  Prior to that it was occupied for almost 1,000 years by the Anasazi  (Ancient Pueblos).  Note we tend to call them them cliff dwellers.

The ride was VERY bumpy but fun and informative.  Dave welcomed us to take pictures of the  petroglyphs and Pueblo Ruins but not to take pictures of any Navajo in the canyon.  We honored that wish on both counts and  had a fun 4 hours..  So without further anthropological BS I will post some pictures ands will follow up tomorrow with a few from the top.  Meanwhile if you want to read more about Canyon De Chelly here is the National Park Service Link NPS Canyon De Chelly enjoy reading more if you like and until next time


Petroglyphs put on these walls sometime after 300 AD and before 1200 AD

Anasazi Ruins same period


Ancient Pueblo ladder?  No current trail used by locals!  Yes this ladder is used to help climb out of canyon

Let's hope nobody gets hurt!

We were assured that this will not topple for say 1,000 years!!

Uh Oh did I hear Native Jewelry for sale?  Oh yes that's Dave with the "cowboy hat"

Some like dead trees I like big rocks!

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing you guys are in such good shape! Must admit, I like the rocks as well as the dead trees. And, I hope you have some of that Native jewelry to show us when you get home.
