Sunday, September 12, 2010

Penny wise and pound foolish

Good Morning dear readers 
Sunday again, already and you have to put up with the Mrs.  Well, what Murray forgot to tell you yesterday was that we traveled from 8000 feet above sea level to minus 190 in Death Valley.  
We made it all the way back to Mesquite, NV. (Yes Blair - we find our way back to the border) This time we found a casino/hotel for $36.  What a bargain you say .....not if you sit at the Black Jack table for 2 hours.  It's a good thing we didn't eat dinner - our dinner money now belongs to the CasaBlanca.  Hey, they did give us ten bucks to play in the one armed bandits - lost that too!
I will probably post this evening when we have arrived at our destination but I wanted to show you a few of my favorite photos from yesterday:

I just can't believer the awesome colors that are in the rocks and mountains.  Its an artist's palette

The Salt Flat - the sun was really not cooperative when taking this picture but hopefully it give you an impression how big the valley is.

From Flat to mountains in just a few minutes

And now I recall that I didn't get a shot of the black lava beds. 

Well, have a happy Sunday - we are heading into another time zone today so maybe I'll get the next post done before you all go to bed tonight.  

Along for the Ride - Mrs. Murray Rider


  1. Hey, playing for 2 hours, some free beers, your Gin and Tonics etc wasn't bad considering the "Dinner Budget" you give me isn't that big anyway!

    Love Murray Rider

  2. Awesome pictures, as usual! Did you really go golfing? Are you going to visit any relatives in Nevada?
