Tuesday, August 31, 2010

America what a great bunch of people!

OK readers I have tried not to get to "preachy" with my posts,  and I have and will remain apolitical.  The last thing I want to do is make this post a place like MSNBC or Fox News!

Tonight, however, I may wonder off a bit but please indulge me.

.First todays travel narrative and pictures.

After a very quick send off from Blair (we got her out of bed to say goodbye at 7 am) we were off.  First stop the Reagan Presidential library in Simi Valley California.  Before you dear reader say Aha you are making a political statement let me tell you that my faithful and obedient companion and I have previously visited two other Presidential Libraries, James Carter's in Georgia and William Clinton"s in Little Rock.  I hope that would make you concede that we have covered the political spectrum fairly in our various travels.I will make these comments on the quality of the three we have visited so far.

Jimmy Carter's-Great content, professionally laid out, staff  at museum indifferent.

Bill Clinton's-poor content (mis-spelled words, lots of pictures of movie stars with the Clinton's) staff knew little of history.

Ronnie Reagan's- Classy, somewhat short on content , staff very courteous, knowledgeable and passionate.

One good thing we obtained was a pass for all Presidential libraries and my faithful and obedient companion and I will be visiting Nixon's on this trip and Kennedy's in Boston when we get back east.  

All in all they are very worthwhile and I recommend any of them to you as a way of getting insight on this great country-regardless if you are a red or blue stater!

Oval Office
Jim with Ronnie

We left Simi Valley and headed up the Pacific Coast highway towards our destination San Luis Obispo.  On the way we made a stop in Santa Barbara for lunch, based on a recommendation from the Innkeeper at the Lodge at San Luis Obispo Creek  (where we are staying the next two nights). A great seafood lunch on the deck overlooking the beautiful  harbor at Santa Barbara.  Here are some pictures.

Faithful and obedient companion waiting for lunch!

Pelicans in Formation

Another Smiley Face!

Contentment is a great lunch and a fresh sea breeze!

After our lunch we traveled up to San Luis Obispo, located halfway between Santa Barbara and Big Sur.  Here will be our home base for the next two nights.

After checking in we were off for a walk.  We ended up at the Monterey Street Wine Bar (preparation  for some Central Coast Wine Tastings over the next day or two?).  Here we sat and tasted a few local wines (this is the 3rd largest wine region in California), and met some VERY nice people.  First was "Al" a retired state prison employee, part time barber and former member of the National Guard.  He wanted to hear all about Vermont and what were our local good wines?  We informed him we had none, but our beers were great!  Al was fascinated that we were traveling the country and had dreams of doing something similar when his wife retires from AT&T.
Nest up was Rick Gomez who had just had a forced retirement from the Power Company after 38 years.  He is 57 and has several kids, the youngest a daughter who is a sophomore in high school.  He and his family have sponsored exchange students from Germany, Brazil and Portugal.  He loves his country and wants all the world to have a chance to see it in person.  Rick was also a"shareholder" in this little wine bar and loved his local community.

Of course there were others we have met on our trip.  The guys who fixed our windshield at a little glass place in San Diego yesterday, who talked our ears off.  The Innkeeper here who chatted with me by phone yesterday and recommended the place for lunch and she talked us in to trying a local golf course tomorrow.  The docents at the Reagan Library, one in particular who struck up a conversation about why we were there from Vermont, and wanted to wish Eric all the best.  It all struck me today how blessed we are as a country not only with majestic vistas but also in the diversity and goodness in most of it's people. This trip is a reminder of that.

 Oh and I promised not to preach!  Sorry but I could not help myself. Well it's late so until tomorrow.


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