Sunday, September 5, 2010

Salsulito,more fog, old friends and a sobering moment

Well dear reader, I m typing this post on our friends computer as they have no Wi-Fi available.  You would think after driving directly through Silicon Valley to get here that some hi tech facility would be at my finger tips.  No such luck.  I am sorry to disappoint friends,but still no pictures today.  Too difficult to load camera into their computer.

Our last night in Big Sur was wonderful, blazing fire and some peace and tranquility in our bungalow (yes Phi's it was a Phi Delt Bungalow moment!).  This morning did not start as well.  My faithful and obedient companion tried to help me make sure I did not forget my new Blackberry, and proceeded to knock it into the ice bucket, which was filled with melted ice.  Now why it was perched there only I know but it was there for a reason.  Needless to say there is no specific blame but until I get it replaced call Barbara's cell if you need us!

The ride here was uneventful, some fog but nothing we could not deal with.  Labor Day traffic made our trip over the Golden Gate from San Francisco to Salsulito a slog but we arrived safe and sound, through a fog of course!  So nowI need to digress for a moment.

We all associate familiar landmarks with certain memories, in my case the Golden Gate bridge holds a particularly sad but meaningful one.  You see a young gentleman, named Mark, who worked for Steve Gallacher (the friend we are visiting) was killed on an approach to the Golden Gate several years ago.  Mark was driving home from work one evening and had the misfortune of sitting at a standstill in traffic on one of the approaches to the bridge, when a car, coming the other way flipped over the median and crushed his vehicle.  I came out to San Francisco for the funeral service..  One thing I recall is the story a co-worker of his told me.  It so happened that on the evening this all occured, Mark had left the office for home but had come came back for something he forgot, and how ironic it was that this change in his timing "caused" him to be at that "wrong spot"  at the wrong time.  That thought has stuck with me ever since.  How life is a series of events, some of which we have absolutely no control off whatsoever.  It serves as a reminder that each and every moment we have is something to be savored for we never know what lies around that next bend......    I now many of you read this blog in hopes of getting a laugh.  I hope to give you those as well, and I certainly hope my messsage here was not too sobering.  Please just see it as my way of saying to all (including myself) enjoy all your moments, each and every one, the gift of life is so precious!

Just over the Golden Gate is Salsulito and Steve and Helen live in a lovely apartment that stands high over San Francisco Bay.  The view is gorgeous (yes I know where's the pictures).  After a quick greeting it was off to Sonoma for a few hours tasting.  Their apartment is a scant 37 miuntes from Sonoma and Steve was anxious for us to try a few of his favorite wineries.  Sorry Maria this post is NOT about wine tasting that will be this week but not tonight!

It was good to catch up with friends we have not seen in a few years, yes some "insurance talk" drifted in.  Steve left AIG a couple of years ago but we did recall some good times together and gossip about all that has happened to AIG over the years.  Obviously we also covered family and friends as well.  Barbara and I "introduced" both Steve and Helen to skiing at Stowe and it was fun to hear how they have taken up the sport out here on the left coast.  All in all a great night.  Tomorrow we will be going to the Salsulito Art Festival with them and will likely depart for our next destination Monday. 

I hope I am not  losing readers due to the lack of photo content, or due to my technical problems.  Please stay with us as we have lots of old pictures to post and many more destinations to cover!  Until tomorrow when my faithful and obedient companion can post I bid you,

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