Thursday, September 23, 2010

A lazy day

Well readers I hope you all do not mind but My Faithful and Obedient Companion and I had a lazy day today. After Eric's late arrival we slept in, had an oil change to the car (almost 7 thousand miles so far!), late brunch with Eric and Blair. Tonight we treated Eric and Blair to Sushi(Eric craved raw fish). Then we left them to be with some local friends for a night out. No real pics to share today.
We are booked next 4 days at The Ocean Beach Hotel which is on the Ocean about 4 Blocks from their apartment. We resume our travels Monday. Hopefully We will share some local San Diego stuff with you in the meantime. Certainly I look forward to sharing some observations on the local color her in "O.B"!

Eric shared a few Afghanistan Stories with us today let's just say that this deployment was not as self satisfying to him as his Iraq adventure. He is definitely ready to finish his Marine career in May. He is proud of his service as are we!

Many of you posted comments while others have sent nice emails. Thanks for your support. Jean Joan Wurfel I will keep posting until we are back in Stowe. Meanwhile until tomorrow


1 comment:

  1. You sure deserved a day of rest yesterday! How stressful waiting for Eric's return! We are so proud of him as well.
