Friday, September 17, 2010

The Grand Canyon, North Rim and our new home away from home Mesquite Nevada

Sorry loyal readers, I am late posting and now I will sneak and get by with one post for two days.  After yesterday’s “Philosophy Lecture” you all probably were happy to wake up to no news this am.  One of our followers, Ellsworth “Whitey” Whiteman sent me an email asking if I had substituted a “Doobie” for my cigar the other evening.  He was kind enough to also say he liked the pictures. 

So we left Zion behind and headed for the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  The North Rim is more isolated, less visited, and closes in winter.  There is but one lodge (sold out) within 80 miles of the park, which is why we are once again in Mesquite, Nevada.  More on that in a moment.

The Grand Canyon is as my friend Joel would say “It’s Huge Jim”.  Huge is not enough of a description.  My faithful and Obedient Companion has been here before (the South Rim) and warned me it is big.  She was not kidding.  Since it took us several hours to get here, and 4 hours to get back to a hotel, we did not “hike” the backcountry. We did find one trail “Uncle Jim’s” that looked promising on some future visit, but for this excursion we ran to about 6 different vistas by car, walked maybe 3 miles in total, and simply took in the grandeur.    A few vistas were enough to make both of us queasy from the sheer drop-offs, but well worth a little discomfort!  Here are some Pictures from the North Rim:

My first view of the biggest ditch I have evry ceen!

Do not turn around dear!

Named after yours truely?

Just a tad larger than our own "Smugglers Notch"  back home!

Angels Window-North Rim

Leapin Lizards!!!!

Could Evil Kneivel really have jumped this on a motorcycle?

After the North Rim excursion we headed back towards Zion in an attempt to find a place to stay.  In the end we decided to travel on to Mesquite Nevada to stay two nights at the lovely “Casablanca” Resort Casino.  Since starting our journey this is the third separate occasion we have stayed here.  The first was when traveling with Blair on our drive from Vermont.  The second was after Death Valley (you may remember My Faithful and Obedient Companions Post regarding my gambling) and now we are here again before a night in Las Vegas.  We will have dinner with my sister Ethel and brother-in-law Jay to celebrate their anniversary (number 29) tomorrow night!  Then on to San Diego as Eric is due in Monday night (we hope!).

As for the Mesquite attraction, well chalk it up to Location (near Zion, Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon) and the great deal on a very nice (but small) Casino Resort.  Food is reasonable and good and, well face it 39 bucks a night for a nice resort atmosphere is a lot cheaper then even a Red Roof or Days Inn.  Of course there is a REASON that rooms are inexpensive.  On my next Blog dear reader I will provide another lecture, hopefully a very lighthearted one, when I discuss the economics of….Black Jack.  Until then:



  1. Wow, you must be the best uncle ever to get a trail named after you :) Hugs and kisses to Eric (and Blair of course!) when you see him.

  2. Sure impressed, Jim, that they have a trail named after you! Vern wants to know if you forgot your razor -- "looks about a days worth of my growth"!
