Sunday, September 26, 2010


This time last year we were having a great time in Charleston.  What a wonderful weekend+ that was.  The youngest Roberts' spent the day together while Jim and I found our way around SD.  We browsed antiques stores (who would know this would keep Murray's interest) and took a walk on the beach.
All in all it was a laid back day.

A trip to the west coast wouldn't be complete without the mandatory sunset picture:
Or the picture of the San Diego Pier:  Some of you may recognize this shot if you've visited us in Vermont.  A similar picture hangs in our 1st floor powder room.

Then there is the picture of the pilings of the pier:

We honor the differences and the gifts of each individual and hope for their safety: 

We thank God for the beauty that surrounds us:

And ask God to bless the newly married:
As well as us old geezers!  Tomorrow we 'hit the road again'.  Stay tuned and God Bless.

Love to all,
Mrs. Murray Rider  


  1. Great pictures! I especially enjoyed the one of the gorgeous flower! However, my absolute favorites were the two seeing Blair and Eric together on their first anniversary!! Oh, happy day!! How could we not remember the beautiful wedding last year?

  2. I loved this post. It touched my heart in many ways. Godspeed on your trip home. I'll be awaiting the posts. xoxoxE

  3. We've had some technical difficulties on our end, but we have enjoyed reviewing your escapades, you two are living the dream. So glad to see Eric made it home safe and sound.
