Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wine Time!

Wine, Wine and More Wine

OK readers I have promised a post on our wine tasting for sometime now.  I have delayed for a couple of reasons:

  1. For some ( I think many of you) this may all be of  little interest.  Maria I cannot believe that you of all people have told my faithful and obedient companion you are "waiting" for this post.  But you are the main reason I am doing it!
  2. For others –Ethel and Jay, Whitey and Diana, who have lots of wine expertise you may find this boring and non informative.  Not that either couple are wine “snobs,” no far from it.  But I do know that Ethel and Jay explored and studied the subject when living in Europe and Whitey and Diane make their own stuff. You both have wine cellars for Pete's sake!
  3.   My Faithful Companion and I on the other hand have had several experiences tasting wine at wineries both in California and Italy.  Neither of us, however, ever studied or seriously read up on the subject.  In fact, about 6 years ago I almost got kicked out of a wine tasting in New York for stating to a representative of Grgich Hills winery that they had a nice “Red Zinfandel”.  You see apparently “White Zinfandel” is a totally “bogus” wine to any real connoisseur.  I hardly appreciated the education at the moment because it was obvious he was trying to humiliate not educate a novice.  What I did learn from that:
    1. Wine tasting should be fun and a means to sample the interesting tastes wine offers, based on where it is grown, how it is blended, how good the harvest is and the type of grape(s) used.  You should not care a hoot what awards, etc it wins.  What matters does it taste good to YOU?  
    2. Second certain people who profess to be experts are asses.
    3. I wouldn’t buy a Grgich Hills wine ever, even if it has won awards all over the world!

OK so here our recent California tasting comments I include a link to each website!  Enjoy:

Our initial tastings were at three wineries near San Luis Obispo (California Central Coast, in either Paso Robles or the Edna Valley)

The first Kelsey (Website Kelsey) had some interesting Zinfandels that we liked, a Chardonnay (a wine that we both generally avoid) that we loved (very buttery) and a nice dessert Zinfandel (like a nice port).  We drank some and bought some!  Oh we did not like their Apple Wines.

Per Bacco (Website Per Bacco)- This was the best of the three in my opinion.  We loved the 2008 Sangiovese (my Faithful and Obedient Companion and I are drinking some as I write this), as well as their Pinot Noirs both wines are generally our favorites anyway.  They also had some nice Cabernet.  We bought some and wanted to join their wine club. Unfortunately  no Vermont shipping for them because of their size.... ouch!

Salisbury-(Website Salisbury ) This one shipped to Vermont and we liked their Cabernets and Zinfandel.  We joined their wine club for a quarterly shipment!  Should have our first by the time we get back!

Our second wine tastings were in Sonoma, with Steve and Helen Gallacher.  We went to two wineries both familiar from our trip to Napa/Sonoma way backing 2002.  Oh and it helped they were 38 minutes Sausalito.  
These were:

Viansa-( Website Viansa ) Excellent “Tuscan wines” (good old Sangiovese) and a nice Pinot Grigio and we joined there wine club.  I thought it was pretty funny that the women pouring our tastes knew Steve, he obviously frequents  the place regularly.  I asked Steve if the vintages etc changed that much on every visit?  Oh,  it was here that Steve suggested we go to one of his favorite wineries in Napa-Grgich Hills......well I told him I would never go there and why!  

Cline (–Website Cline) Makes some wonderful wine you can find back East.  We love their Ancient Vine Zinfandel and their Syrah. 

So there you have it readers, our wine visits.  Enjoy checking out these wineries on line, and rest assured this is my only post on wine on this blog!  Until tomorrow



  1. We're addicted to your blog, of course it helps that our name comes up frequently.

  2. Speaking of your name coming up frequently Steve, I have tried to send Helen the photos of our breakfast in Sausalito and her email address keeps sending me 'fatal errors'. If you or she can send me an email I will forward the pictures.
