Monday, August 30, 2010

A respite before the left coast ramble!

Rocky Mountain National Patk

Moab Utah

Pioneer Arch Nebraska
Mornings Walk Ocean Beach San Diego

Well as you know my faithful and obedient companion handled yesterday's post. Barbara has graciously agreed to handle Sunday post's so yours truly can take a day off.

Today was a well earned day off from driving, particularly after our final push of Saturday and Sunday. We slept in, then after Blair and my faithful and obedient companion did some shopping at the Mirmar Marine Commissary, we went and got the windshield fixed (see post 3). I also managed to make plans for the rest of our week which I will not bore you with yet. I will warn you that at least one blog post will come from my mobile blackberry, as where we are staying for two nights in a lodge that has no phone, tv or wi-fi! Imagine that!

Speaking of technology, driving through Utah we listened to an NPR piece on "Fresh Air" (ironic we were listening in the middle of nowhere thanks to satellite radio). Terri Gross interviewed a person (sorry did not get his name)who was studying the effects of being constantly connected via Twitter, Facebook,email,etc. Evidence suggests (he emphasized suggests) we get a shot of dopamine everytime we check email twitter, Facebook etc. In other words it can become addictive. He acknowledged that we have many benefits with instant contact but was yellow flagging potential detrimental effects. He suggested we all need to take time off once in a while. Perhaps he planted a seed that made me book a place that was disconnected?? Anyway I have to admit I do find myself looking several times a day to see who comments on my blog.  Needless to say I and am disappointed when no comments are posted! So readers while I know you may have other priorities (like your own lives?) please, I beg you, feed my beast occasionally will you!

Finally on a final  technology note, I am attaching a few pictures taken on the fly with my blackberry. These were taken as we were driving or while I was out for a mornings walk. Yes with technology at any instant you can share your experience with your friends and relatives, for better or worse! Until tomorrow then.


PS here is a link to an article about the first group of Eric's Marine Squadron coming home.  It was the first wave coming in, Eric is in last group (one per week) The Staff sgt Coleman and his wife are friends of Eric and Blair.  Thought you might like to read about our "Marines" with a personal touch! News Article


  1. I'm enjoying all your postings! And, the pictures are beautiful! I always look forward to the next days blog.

  2. See Murray Rider, I told you my sister was the BEST!

  3. I LOVE all your pictures and following you on your journey. It looks absolutely beautiful. Maybe someday I'll get out west...

    Tell all we said Hi and continue safe travels!

  4. Marla
    Give it another week and your Aunt Barb will offer to fly you out and replace me!

  5. I love that last comment Murray Rider! I'll tag along as well!

  6. Hey, I don't see any blogs today!!??
