Thursday, August 26, 2010

Corn, corn and more corn

Hello followers and greetings from beautiful West Des Moines Iowa.

The reader should note that our location on the map below is based on "IP address".   According to Google Maps we are supposed to be some 350 miles from here in Northern Illinois.  I guess the margin of "error" that Matt Heitman pointed out of say 40 miles (he posted a comment to an earlier blog entry that my "Stowe" location was showing up as Barre, Vermont) has now grown 10 fold.  If I cannot fix this problem I will blow away this hi tech boondoggle for an additional  picture or something,  I would hate for the map to show us as falling into Lake Michigan or something and have you all think we drown.

The number of our followers seem to be increasing so I hope my faithful and obedient companion and I can keep things interesting!  Not sure that today's post will live up to expectations but the reality is we are and have spent the entire day driving through "The corn belt".

Wikipedia, the new definitive reference of our time, places the corn belt from western Ohio through Iowa and touching Nebraska.  I may just add my annotation to this article.  I am attaching 4 pictures, snapped by yours truly or my faithful and obedient companion, each of which are from one of the following states:

                                a. Ohio         b. Indiana,          c, Illinois,         d. Iowa



Today's challenge reader is to match them up correctly and send in a post.  There will be a prize mailed to the first follower who correctly matches state and picture.

I hardly need to tell you that each picture is of corn.  I never realized how much of this stuff we grow, especially now that a lot is used for ethanol (I have no intention of weighing in on that controversy on this blog).  I would add one last observation. That famous song in Oklahoma "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" praises that the "Corn is as high as an elephant's eye" You will be surprised reader that Wikipedia  does not include Oklahoma as part of the corn belt.  Call that strike one against Rogers and Hammerstein .

As for our trek west we made Blair drive first this morning, she was in a MUCH better mood as a result.  My faithful and obedient companion and I got testy a few times but a dip in the pool seems to have cooled us off. I still could not talk her into a drink at Hooters across from our lovely hotel.  No matter how I try she cannot be convinced it is a "nice family restaurant".  Bailey the dog, well she is as cool as a cucumber throughout.
Tomorrows goal Colorado, and I promise no wheat belt stories.  Until then....

Oh and Happy Anniversary to Melissa and James- hard to believe 5 years already!


  1. BR - Mrs Murray RiderAugust 26, 2010 at 8:56 PM

    If you want to pay big bucks, I can be bribed to tell you which picture is from which beautiful corn growing state. Write to me ... where Murray Rider won't see.

    Happy Anniversary to James & Melissa -- 5 years since their wedding and 5 years since hurricane Katrina. Oh, the memories!

    BOSSY Murray Rider may get left behind in Des Moines tomorrow. If he calls you don't answer!

  2. Jim: How can you dis Oscar Hammerstein a former resident of beautiful Bucks County, PA? His former home is a PA Historical site, outside Doylestown. But I digress.As soon as you and Murray get beyond the vowel states the scenery will get more interesting. The scary part about 'America's heartland' is that you can see thunderheads and worry about a bad storm only to learn later that it was over 400 miles west of you.Plunge into that heart of darkness!

  3. Hi Barb abd Jim,
    Love the blog and what a great idea to do that. Will follow your trip. You got through the most boring part of the journey, the corn belt. Even though commercials on TV say America runs on Dunkin, I think it runs on corn!
    Take care and enjoy each other.
