Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Windshields, Museums and other musings

Well we have embarked!  We left Marmota Acres at about 7 am this morning and hopefully you can see from the map below our current location (Westlake, Ohio about 15 miles west of Cleveland).  All in all a little over 660 miles from Stowe, a good first day.  We are still talking to each other!

A couple of observations on a day traveling through places not so far from home.

First on the topic of windshields.  About 2 hours into the trip (we had just changed drivers and I was at the wheel) I detected a strange flapping noise.  Not so loud that my faithful and obedient companion, who was in the back seat at the time, could hear it.  Blair riding shotgun (but still waking up) heard a "little" noise.  I turned up the radio.  About an hour out of Buffalo-POP-than flap, flap, flap .......  we pulled over to find the rubber gasket from the top of my windshield had pulled half way out.  The offending gasket was yanked out with repair to follow, hopefully in the light of morning.  I also call the readers attention to today's picture of the day.  After a quick stop for lunch, (McD's, I wanted healthy but we could not keep my faithful and obedient companion out of the Golden Arches) we were cruising down I 90 when I thought I squirted some Chicken McNugget mustard on to the inside of the windshield.  A quick check revealed something bright yellow hit the OUTSIDE of the windshield.  It looked like an evil smiley face so I snapped the shot in hopes that one of our loyal followers could offer a better ID.  What do you think it is?

Second on the subject of Museum's.  It never ceases to amaze me what our society deems worthy of memorializing with a museum.  The Red Roof Inn, our home here in Westlake Ohio, highlights the "Cleveland Police Museum" as a local place of interest.  Now my father was a cop in Philly for 20 plus years.  I respect our men in blue more than most.  However, leaving aside the idea of a "Cleveland" museum I wonder how many of our municipalities actually support such places.  Maybe I could set one up for Stowe's finest?  The website for the Cleveland Police Museum (Google it if you like) consists of one picture.  However, I found the Billboard near Rochester, New York for the Jello Museum even better! It took a lot of willpower and the fact that we have Blair's dog Bailey in tow to keep us from sidetracking our journey to check out the history of Jello Molds. In case you think I am kidding here is there web link!

Well it is late and tomorrow we head out a 7 am for another exciting day.  I hope you have enjoyed todays entry and I will be back with you tomorrow!  Until then...



  1. The splat is kinda' yucky...Bird poop? bug??? What did you clean it off with??? Maybe you can let the sindshield repair guy do it? Travel safely.

  2. My faithful and obedient companion wiped it off with windex, no DNA sample available
