Sunday, August 29, 2010

Faithful and Obedient Companion Posts Today!

Today's Guest Blogger:  Mrs Murray Rider

Hello Everyone.  Murray Rider proclaimed Sunday to be his day of rest so I am honored to be filling you all in on our days adventures.  Before I begin today, let me fill you in on yesterday.  
We traveled through Rocky Mountain National Park, through the rest of Colorado, into Utah, Arizona, and finally rested our weary heads in Mesquite, Nevada.  It is truly amazing how awesome doesn't even come close to being a sufficient word to describe the dramatic beauty of our land.   Blair is certainly tired of hearing me say magnificent!  Katherine Lee Bates put it best:  Purple mountains majesty.  I will never sing that song again without thinking of our trek across our nation.  I definitely appreciate it more now that when I was 13 & 15 but am glad I had the experience then also.  I remember my father scaring the bejessus out of us on that Trail Ridge Road back in ..... oh never mind how long ago that was.  
We spent the night at Virgin River Casino & Hotel and WOW - haven't seen that many dogs in a hotel, ever!  Seriously, the hotel had lots and lots of buildings and ours must have been designated the dog building.  Big ones, little ones, cute and ugly - just like people.  OOOPS - sorry about that.  This hotel even had a door hanger that let the help know a pet was in the room.  All for only $50 a night.  Who could ask  for more?
Today started with me doing the coffee duty.  Not a big chore since McD's was right across the street.  Trying to help out I walked Bailey to get some energy burned off and got back to our adjoining rooms and discovered I had forgotten my room key.  I gently knocked on the door - no answer, Jim must be 'indisposed' so remembering I had left the room key in the car I decided to get it.  YIKES  - - -  WHERE IS THE CAR???  Oh, no, has the car been stolen??  I called Murray on his cell and asked if he had moved the car while I was walking the beautiful Lab.  No, he would be right there.  Who could have stolen our car and why??? 
WOOPS-- I discovered seconds later that I was in the wrong building.  Hey, they all looked alike!
After 5 or so hours of driving through Las Vegas, (boy has it grown) and into California, here we are tonight resting our heads in Ocean Beach.  Safely ensconced in the home of the youngest Roberts', one block from the mighty Pacific Ocean and our resting place for a day or so  before continuing our journey sans Blair & Bailey.  It's been a wonderful time and I am thankful for the opportunity to spend so much 'quality' time with them.  We'll leave them for a couple of weeks only to return when Eric returns.  So .... returning to the blogger will be Murray Rider tomorrow and hopefully he'll give me the chance to speak to you directly again - in the meantime - I'll comment on his meanderings whenever I can.  Til then  ---- have an awesome day!

The Roberts arrival safely in OB

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