Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why "Murray Rider"

We are posting our first "Picture of the Day" (below).  Since my typing skills promised a "teat" picture yesterday instead of a "test" picture I have complied and posted on below. Enjoy!

Now why "Murray Rider"?

The noble groundhog has become the mascot for "my faithful and obedient companion" and I ever since a family of them moved into our neighborhood here in Stowe, Vermont. By neighborhood I mean under our back deck. Amazing how they have peacefully coexisted with us for 4 years now, Despite our initial attempt to exterminate the furry bastards. I think it was their "Ghandi" like resistance that ultimately won our adoration. Anyway once we embraced the critters it wasn't long before we had to name them. Now I ask you reader, who inspires groundhog lovers more than Bill Murray? Ergo all our friends beneath the deck have become "Murray" and needless to say the inspiration for our blog.

So tomorrow we are off and we invite you to join us for our journey! I have added a photo of the day, and a map which I hope will show you the approximate place where my entry has been made, in this case on my deck in Stowe, with "Murray" close by. I doubt "Murray" will join us at 6 AM but you can be sure he will greet us when we return, assuming of course we get back before our Stowe winter forces him to take his long winter's nap!
Until Tomorrow adieu


  1. Your map shows you guys in Barre, which isn't even in the right direction. Hope you have better luck tomorrow when you're actually on the road. By the way, nice teats.

  2. interesting description: my faithful and obedient companion--Barb--seems that the Hawk should substitute beautiful for obedient!

