Friday, October 1, 2010

There's no place like "Home" Toto!

I assume tonight's headline will require very little explanation.  As our thoughts turn homeward Faithful and Obedient Companion and I find ourselves in Abiliene Kansas.  We stopped here not because Abiliene was once know as the trail head for the Chilsom trail nor that it was a stage coach stop on the Santa Fe Trail, but because it is home to the Dwight Eisenhower Presidential Library.  Don't worry by the time we arrived it was closed so no "I Like Ike" lectures until we tour tomorrow....and if your lucky (or unlucky) we may throw in another Presidential Library to boot.  Tonight's quiz: Which reader knows which Presidential Library lies about 2 to 3 hours due east of us in Missouri?  Answer tomorrow.

So what Pics do we have in store for you today.  The answer not many.  The first is a surprise shot of Colorado, at least for those of you who do not know your US geography.  Colorado not only has the beautiful Rocky Mountains of John Denver fame, it also consists (almost half of it) of "High Plains" of Clint Eastwood fame.  I would add that most of the drive east to Abiliene featured the same scenery.  I would tell you all that the last 50 or 60 miles began a change to endless fields of grain (Wheat, Corn etc).  I figured I already gave you pictures of those on our westward posts a little over a month ago (seems like yesterday).

Somewhere (or anywhere) in Eastern Colorado

The other two pictures have personal meanings.  The first is for my Lafayette friends who may think we were back on campus tonight.  My Faithful and Obedient Companion and I dined at "Kirby House".  Here we met a nice couple from LA on their way to Connecticut.  They make this trip every two years (to visit relatives) and eat at Kirby House on every trip!  While the food was good I am not sure I would put a pin on Google Maps for future reference!

Hey Eric Jaxheimer can we join you for dinner? (Inside Lafayette Joke)

The second picture gave us a chuckle as we were both Zsa Zsa fans of "Green Acres".  At one time I had my cell phone ringtone for Faithful and Obedient Companion programmed to play the tune from this show.  I lost it when my old phone died and have not purchased a replacement....yet.  While I am not sure that Hooterville was in Kansas this sign seemed to fit some of the small towns we passed today.  Faithful and Obedient Companion tried to get me in to bowl but I refused, if you think she's tough at golf I refuse to be humiliated at 10 pins!

Mr. Drucher's and Mr. Kimball's home alley?

Well that's it for tonight.  We hope you all dry out east coast readers (We have checked in with family back east, and understand you all had some bad storms...we have not encountered a drop of rain on this Journey since day one in New York!).  So until tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. A few of you may remember our 'obsession' with "Green Acres' from our address change card when we moved to Vermont. It's probably a good thing we amuse ourselves with such trivial matters.
    I tried clicking my heals when we entered KS but didn't go home - I guess it's really where the heart is - physically I mean! See you on Sunday/
